Saturday, February 11, 2012

"The wisodm is in the tree not the glass window" - Jack Johnson

When did we learn to bar ourselves into a world so busy with taxes and algorithms that we forgot what life was like outside of the cubicle we've maintained for 15 years? Where did we learn to except mediocrity, I just want to know who the guy was that convinced everyone that "becoming an adult takes creativity out of the picture". What happend to the times when your playground was an alien planet who's only hope for survival was for you to cross the monkeys bars and hit the slide before it self destructed?
I'm not saying a cubicle job is bad, just about every wothwhile invention you can think of 9 times out of 10 began in a cubicle. I've never worked in a cubicle (and never plan to) so I could be wrong. But I see people who do and I see people who don't. From what I can tell there is something about a cubicle that takes the playground from being an alien planet then transforms it into a babysitter for your kids while you take this buisness call.
I love the way Jack Johnson lays it out. You can learn all you want from the safety of your kitchen window. But wisdom is gonna come when you explore the branches of the tree and the different routes between them. You could understand every chemical compound involved in the photosynthetic transfer of energy to that tree. But in my eyes, if you don't understand what its like to climb that tree even though your hands bleed from the spots where your previous blisters were, then you don't understand that tree... There is a time and place for the photons to activate the ATP process. But why is that more important than the branch to your right that saved you from the pirates. Or the branch up and to the left that kept you safe from those hungry lions.
Creativity is needed in all aspects of our future. It's not just something for the musicians and poets to hog for themselves. Creativity will be needed when the politicians are asked to write a bill that helps boost a struggling population while keeping the rest of the country in balance. Creativity will even be needed in the cubicle to write up the framework of the iphone 37 that will cure world hunger. PLEASE don't let 15 years in your cubicle keep you from the blisters that tree in your backyard has to offer.


  1. Oh snap. This should go on next year's creative writing disclosure document.

    Good example of taking a song lyric and making it relevant.

  2. Whoa, love this: "When did we learn to bar ourselves into a world so busy with taxes and algorithms that we forgot what life was like outside of the cubicle we've maintained for 15 years?" Oh, and also: "There is a time and place for the photons to activate the ATP process."

