Sunday, February 26, 2012

Love is a Cloud?

My whole life has been spent pursuing a route up and away from my troubles. I look out the double paned to my left and realize I am only two thin slices of plexi glass away from being free... I can almost hear the engines saying goodbye to the ground that was so restrictive. It's a bold and simplistic statement, but it gives me enough to assert my own.
The planes constant climb puts just enough strain on my stomach to exhale all of my fears. My fears are much more hesistant to leave then they were to enter.  I close my eyes and relax... I feel my fingers straighten and my palms expose themselves. Its not until my regrets slip through my fingers that I realize I'm finally finding security with nothing under my feet.
I feel every loose end I have ever frayed being tied up. My steps up and out of my seat and towards the door become my boldest decision.With the weight of my inadequacies loitoring somewhere at the back of the plane, I find the stability to pull my back foot from the safety of the plane.
And It's not until now that I realize that the same fingertips that were once crippled with a clench on my miseries. Are now liberated and adept to holding the same clouds that possess my dreams.
Love has taught me that a step out of the plane will give me my best shot at achieving my dreams.
-My attempt at explaining love...

1 comment:

  1. Well my good friend, I have been searching for a great post for awhile now to use as the next assignment (post #8). And I just found it. This has got to be one of the best post's I've read all day. Honestly I'm surprised I was the first one to comment, my only regret is that this has been here for awhile and I just barely found it. I must be shallow or something haha. I really enjoyed reading this, you captured the essence of love without being straight forward about it (if that makes any sense) it makes you think more about what your trying to say. Love makes you fly, and when your up in those clouds you let all your worries just fade away. I may have interpreted that wrong and if I did I apologize. Haha sorry I could probably talk all day about this post, so I'll hurry and cut it short. Anyway, my absolute favorite line: "I look out the double paned to my left and realize I am only two thin slices of plexi glass away from being free... I can almost hear the engines saying goodbye to the ground that was so restrictive." Just awesome! So thank you very much for this amazing post! P.S. Great pursuit great attempt.
