Sunday, February 5, 2012

Second chance?

Orignally I thought I would be clever and have my intro be just a picture. Somehow I thought that would be both creative and effective. Looking back I just feel like the tool with his head phones blaring to that one song on the radio about "Being sexy knowing it AND working out"(a lethal combination when all 3 are found in the same mix) but ya... NO ONE wants to be around that kid.  Everyone deserves second chances though right?
Lion King was produced around the same time I was. Which is incredibly uncomfortable to think about. Lion King was always a first choice from the movie drawer. I'm not sure if it was the laid back life of Hakunamata or choriography of I just cant wait to be king. How can you not be impressed with an entire animal kingdom hitting all their steps and staying in time? The older I have gotten the more similarities I have found between Simbas life and mine. I hope that I can learn to write creatively enough to express some of those similarities with all of you. I hope that by the end of the year I will have found away to take the clicks of my keyboard and leave something on the screen that will connect with whoever is reading my blog from the cover of their pen name. But until then its looking like we're just gonna have to tough it out.


  1. Then who's the warthog? And do you really believe in Hakuna Matata?

    Man, forget Scar.

  2. Hakuna Matata who doesn't beleive in that. Hakuna Matata to you

  3. I think everyone deserves a second chance, so go ahead and take yours! Hakuna Matata :)
