Saturday, March 10, 2012


I know I'm human.
Take a stab at me and I will prove it.
I bleed, and your words carry enough weight to make it happen.
I know I'm human because I put my heart and soul into the trail of ink my pen leaves behind and still loose my train of thought midsentence.
How do I take a step forward when my heart is headed in a direction that my attention span refuses to pursue?
I'm only human.
But does it really make me human if my life is revolved around more than a den and a blackberry bush?

No wait, I know I'm human.
I know I'm human because my fingertips clench to greed while my palms open to give.
But they both find a home on the same hand? You tell me how that works.
It doesn't

Your actions carry enough to make me feel. I mean really feel. You tell me if a robot lays in bed, accompanied by our conversation. Picking apart details until I  find the word that pushed me over your line.

Being human is what made my throat swell shut when you explained that it wasn't me it was you. Try and explain to me how a robot could associate a ticket stub with a broken heart.

So if I'm a robot someone needs to show me where the off switch is.  I wish you could just see that a couple things on my mind means that I'm running out of places to hide the hurt.

But I know I'm human.
I'm human because my knees have been brought down at my bedside and I've felt something more than mortal.
But when my fingernails latched onto the idea a little voice reminded me to open up my palms and give.
So what do I do when my fingernails won't give up?

Now the question I have for you is... Does all of this make me more human than you?


  1. "Take a stab at me and I will prove it.
    I bleed, and your words carry enough weight to make it happen."

    So good.

  2. A couple of lines:

    Being human is what made my throat swell shut when you explained that it wasn't me it was you.

    until I find the word that pushed me over your line

  3. "Being human is what made my throat swell shut when you explained that it wasn't me it was you."

    I love that line so much.

  4. "Try and explain to me how a robot could associate a ticket stub with a broken heart."

    Hey, cool. This whole thing is awesome.

  5. I loved this whole thing. My two favorite lines: I know I'm human because my fingertips clench to greed while my palms open to give.
    But they both find a home on the same hand? Yes, there's no way to explain that yet we still wonder because . . we are human?

    You tell me if a robot lays in bed, accompanied by our conversation. Picking apart details until I find the word that pushed me over your line.
    This is what struck at me, I know exactly how this feels. I do it every night. . . thinking about someone . . . like Crazy.

  6. I really like the idea of this post. I've never thought of myself as not being human but you do have a point. I love it.

  7. I love the line "I'm human because my knees have been brought down at my bedside and I've felt something more than mortal.
    But when my fingernails latched onto the idea a little voice reminded me to open up my palms and give.
    So what do I do when my fingernails won't give up?"
    I love this because i feel it is always a constent battle... this is so good!

  8. "you tell me if a robot lays in bed, accompanied by our conversation. Picking apart details until I find the word that pushed me over your line."

    In love.

    1. I know I'm human because my fingertips clench to greed while my palms open to give.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "I'm human because my knees have been brought down at my bedside and I've felt something more than mortal."
    Had to read this out loud...

  10. "lays in bed, accomplanied by our conversation." i cant decide if you're with someone or if you're talking to yourself. regardless, dont tell me. i like wondering.

  11. "I know I'm human because my fingertips clench to greed while my palms open to give.
    But they both find a home on the same hand?"

    i loved this alot! the way that you capture being human is incredible it makes me think because we really are two sided we clench to worldly things but we were meant for better things and so we are that part to and that is what makes us human not how much money we have or what brand of clothes we wear. powerful.

  12. I wish you could just see that a couple things on my mind means that I'm running out of places to hide the hurt.

    Loved this line. It's like when you're trying to subliminally let someone know that you need help by your gestures and I messages but they don't pay attention to those.
